Berbagai Posisi Anjing Saat Tidur

Tahukah kamu, seperti halnya manusia, anjing juga memiliki berbagai posisi saat mereka tidur, berikut beberapa posisi anjing saat tidur:

  1. Menghadap Samping (The side sleeper)
    Ini adalah posisi tidur yang paling umum, dengan anjing tidur di sisinya dan kakinya terentang di depan. Ini adalah posisi yang damai dan nyaman.

  2. Tengkurap (The belly sleeper)
    Banyak anjing tidur dengan perut mereka, baik dengan cakar yang terselip di bawah atau diregangkan dalam pose super-dog. Meskipun mereka tidur, saat Anda menarik perhatian mereka, mereka hanya mendorong keempat kakinya untuk segera melakukan tindakan.

  3. Rubah (The fox)
    Anjing dalam posisi rubah meringkuk tubuh dan ekornya dalam lingkaran, dengan cakar mereka terselip rapi di bawahnya. Posisi ini sering digunakan saat cuaca semakin dingin, dan anjing secara alami menjaga panas tubuhnya.

  4. Tidur bersama (The Spooner)
    Anjing yang tidur bersama. Anjing-anjing ini menyayangi dan mencari kehangatan satu sama lain selama tidur siang. Posisi ini menunjukkan mereka mudah terikat dengan orang lain, dan paling nyaman dengan kawanan mereka.

  5. Posisi Lalat Mati (The crazy legs)
    Cara terbaik untuk menggambarkannya adalah posisi “lalat mati”: di belakang dengan satu atau lebih kaki di udara. Tidak nyaman karena kedengarannya, ini sebenarnya adalah posisi yang sangat percaya diri.

  6. Kaki Keatas (Passed-out)
    Sama seperti beberapa orang, anjing yang dapat tidur di mana saja: dengan kaki depan di sofa dan kaki belakang di lantai, dalam mangkuk makanan, di tempat binatu, di garasi atas alat. Dimana saja dan apapun yang akan menahan tubuh mereka.



  1. The side sleeper
    This is the most common sleeping position, with the dog sleeping on its side and legs stretched out in front. It is a peaceful, comfortable position, and shows your dog is low maintenance. This position also shows your dog is extremely loyal because it can jump into action the moment it hears a suspicious sound.

  2. The belly sleeper
    Many dogs sleep on their bellies, either with paws tucked underneath or stretched out in super-dog pose. These dogs are very energetic and ready for action at any time. Even though they sleep, the moment you call their attention, they simply push up all four legs for immediate action.

  3. The fox
    Dogs in the fox position curl their body and tail in a circle, with their paws neatly tucked underneath. This position is often used when the weather gets colder, and dogs naturally conserve their body heat. Sometimes, they even stuck their nose underneath their front paws or tail for full thermal effect. Dogs who sleep in this position are naturally easy-going, laid back, and all around gentle animals.

  4. The Spooner
    Multi-dog households can be home to spooners: dogs that sleep together, whether back to back or information. These dogs are affectionate and search out each other’s warmth during nap time. This position shows they easily bond with others, and are most comfortable with their pack.

  5. The crazy legs
    This position, you probably won’t believe until you have seen it with your own eyes. The best way to describe it is the “dead fly” position: on the back with one or more legs up in the air. Uncomfortable as it may sound, this is actually a very confident position. Dogs show trust when they lie on their backs for belly-rubs because this is a very vulnerable position. To sleep in this position shows a dog that is very confident and comfortable with themselves and within their home.

  6. Passed-out
    Much like some of their human’s college days (minus the alcohol, of course), passed-out dogs can sleep anywhere: with front paws on the couch and hind legs on the floor, in food bowls, in laundry room bins, in garages on top of tools. Anywhere and anything that will hold their bodies while they catch a few minute/hour.

